Holy Rosary School takes pride in its tradition of excellence. This tradition should be evident to those who come in contact with representatives of the school, and the best representative of any school are its students. Therefore, certain basic regulations exist for proper dress and grooming. These regulations are in the interest of creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and in demonstrating pride in our school.
Good appearance is important. Students are expected to come to school clean and neat.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for seeing that their students are dressed appropriately and according to the Uniform Policy and Dress Code. Holy Rosary School reserves the right to send home students who are not in compliance with these policies. Parents/guardians will be notified and are expected to remedy the situation immediately. The school has the final interpretation of the policy. Families will be notified by the administration of any changes made to this policy.
Pre-kindergarten students are not required to wear the Holy Rosary School uniform. Please refer to the Pre-kindergarten Handbook for further information.
The School Uniform for Boys and Girls TK, K-8th Grade:
Navy blue cord (thin wale only) or Navy twill pant.
Navy blue twill walk short.
White or Navy Blue knit polo shirt with Holy Rosary School logo (short or long sleeve)
Navy blue sweatshirt or jacket with Holy Rosary School logo
Rampart jumper (grades K-4) and rampart skirt (grades 4-8) (Girls)
White Peter Pan blouse (short or long sleeve) with buttons in front. (Girls)
Shoes with a rubber sole must be a solid color or combination of white, black, navy blue, brown or gray. No other colors may be worn. They may be high top or low cut, leather or sturdy canvas, tie or Velcro closures. No CROCS, slippers or boots.
Shoes must be in good condition. Laces must be a solid white or black or match the shoe color. Laces must be tied on top of the shoe so shoes are secure on the feet and shoes cannot be easily removed or kicked off.
The school has the final interpretation of appropriate shoes.
Hair must be neatly groomed and arranged so that it does not impair vision. Boys are to be clean-shaven and their hairstyle must be no longer than the top of the shirt collar.
Extreme hairstyles are not permitted for girls or boys. Fad hairstyles are not permitted - If in doubt about a certain hairstyle, inquire at the school office before the hair is cut.
No hair extensions or other materials may be woven into or worn/clipped in the hair.
Hair is to be one natural color.
All clothing must be of appropriate size, length, and style.
All uniforms must be clean and in good repair, free of any rips, tears, and excessive stains.
Navy blue cord or twill pants, twill walk shorts, white polo shirts, and white Peter Pan blouse purchased outside of the uniform company must match the regulation uniform item.
Jumpers, skirts, skorts and shorts must be knee length. Skirts may not be pegged, rolled or pinned.
Shorts and pants may not be baggy (i.e. waistline hanging at the hips, pants bagging at the ankles). Pants may not be pegged, rolled, pinned, or tucked.
Shorts (no longer than two (2) inches above the hemline) must be worn at all times under the uniform jumper or uniform skirt.
Shirts and blouses must be tucked in at all times. The “layered” look is not permitted. Neutral colored undershirts are okay under the polo shirt or blouse for modesty and must be tucked in. Undershirts must not be visible outside the uniform shirt or blouse.
A belt must be worn with shorts or pants (solid navy blue, black, or dark brown).
Solid white, solid black or solid navy blue socks.
Solid white, solid black or solid navy blue tights (Girls). Leggings or footless tights are not permitted.
Socks must be worn at school.
Hats are not permitted.
One small, post earring is allowed in the lower ear lobe only. Dangling or hoop earrings are not permitted. No extra jewelry may be worn with the uniform in any of the grades with the exception of a simple cross necklace.
Fingernail polish, false nails, false eyelashes and make-up are not permitted.
Anything that distracts from learning (noisy bracelets, smart-watches, etc.) are not permitted.
Caritas Creek and Eighth Grade sweatshirts may be worn only after having attended camp.
Scout uniforms may be worn on scout meeting days.
Non-uniform jackets may be worn outdoors only and only over the uniform sweatshirt, uniform sweater, Caritas Creek sweatshirt, or Eighth Grade sweatshirt. Non-uniform jackets and sweatshirts may not be worn indoors. Non-uniform jackets and sweatshirts include but are not limited to C.Y.O., cheerleading, college or university, sport team, etc.
Clothing must be modest, appropriate for a Catholic school, and conducive to the learning environment. Free dress does not change the policy on Hair and General items listed previously. Please note the specifics for shoes under section b) below.
a) Students may wear the following:
Jeans, corduroy pants, capris, or dress pants.
Dresses or skirts must be knee length.
School uniform walk shorts only. No other shorts may be worn.
Shirts with appropriate words or designs.
Shoes with a rubber sole, closed toes, and secure to the foot.
b) Students may not wear the following:
Clothing with inappropriate slogans, words, or decoration.
Clothing that is ragged, fringed, patched, faded, torn, or ripped.
Dresses/Tops that are Backless, strapless, spaghetti strap, sleeveless, tank.
Leggings, jeggings, warm up pants, warm-up suits, sweatpants, pajama style bottoms, camouflage or cut-offs.
T-shirts that reference alcohol, drugs, or death.
Tight clothing, including spandex and lycra.
Dresses or miniskirts that are above the knee.
c) Holy Rosary School reserves the right to send anyone home who is not dressed appropriately for school.